Data Breach Through Email

Does a data breach through email occur? How can this thing happen to you or your company? If you are worried, then you need to read this article. Scroll below to know more.

Data Breach Tactics

To prevent data breaches through email, you have to be very careful in sending out emails to your clients.

#1. Social Engineering

The most common way of stealing data is a phishing email. These types of attacks are done through emails that look like they come from a legitimate organization, but are sent by hackers.

The email contains a link that leads you to a bogus website made by malicious hackers. When 

they are sure that you clicked the link they are waiting for, they will capture your keystrokes or your webcam so they can steal your personal information.

The attacker can use your name and contact information to send out an email. The email may contain a link that leads you to a bogus website made by hackers, just like what happened with social engineering.

#2. Ransomware

Ransomware is also known as cryptoware, which is a type of malware that locks down the files on your computer. The attacker then demands money in exchange for unlocking the files. Just like in the case of a phishing email, ransomware is also sent in the form of an email pretending to be from an official organization or company. 

#3. Spear Phishing

Spear phishing is another way of stealing data through emails. A hacker can create a fake email address that looks like it was sent by one of your clients or customers when in fact it was not. 

Up to 70% of all cyber-attacks are caused by spear phishing alone. 

You should take this matter seriously and never click on any link or download any attachment from emails sent by unknown parties, especially if it is related to financial services and other sensitive information such as account numbers and passwords.

#5. Open Email Attachments

To prevent your computer from being infected with malware or spyware, make sure that all emails you will open have been sent by a person whom you know personally. Never click on any link or download any attachment from e-mail messages sent by unknown parties as they could contain malicious software which can access your computer files and steal your personal information such as banking details, passwords, etc.

#4. Insecure Wi-Fi

Another way of stealing data is by accessing your wireless network through a laptop or a smartphone. Hackers can use this method to get access to your computer and all the information stored inside. If you are using a wireless network, make sure that it is secure. A secure network has a password that is changed regularly.

Avoid Data Breach Through Email

So, if you are worried about a data breach through email, make sure that you will avoid the tactics mentioned above. You can also file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission in case you have been a victim of a data breach.

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